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Documented Cases of Lead Contamination in

Off Shore Dental Laboratory Restorations

Feb. 26, 2008

Recently, NADL was contacted by a dental patient in Ohio who has documentation of lead contamination in her dental restoration. The affected patient, a senior citizen, received a three-unit dental bridge from a dentist in Ohio. After having an adverse reaction to her dental work, and having it removed, the dentist disclosed that the prescription was sent to an offshore dental laboratory and disclosed to the patient that the restoration was made in China. The patient then had the restoration sent to a chemical laboratory for analysis. The documentation of the dental material analysis of this patient’s restoration showed unsafe levels of lead in the porcelain on the restoration.  

This case has attracted the attention of an Ohio television reporter who was already working on a story about offshore dental laboratory work. As part of the reporter’s investigative research for the story, the TV station ordered a series of crowns from several offshore dental laboratories. One of those restorations contained 210 parts per million of lead in the materials. The U.S. Congress, in response to the toy recalls in 2007, lowered the acceptable levels of lead in toys to 90 parts per million.

The testing of these restorations for the reporter’s investigation was conducted by a chemical research laboratory in Ohio and, at the suggestion of NADL, at the Boston University School of Dental Medicine. In addition to the documentation of lead, the chemical analysis revealed the restoration contains traces of radioactive isotopes.

The reporter contacted NADL and interviewed co-executive director, Bennett Napier, CAE, for this story. Others interviewed include the attorney for the patient in Ohio; a lead expert; a spokesperson from the Ohio Dental Board, a Columbus dentist and laboratory owners from central Ohio. The TV report contains position statements or quotes from the American Dental Association and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

WBNS 10 TV in Columbus, Ohio, will broadcast this story Wednesday. You can view the full investigative report Wednesday evening at the station’s Web site www.10tv.com. The owners of the regional television station also own the Columbus Dispatch, the local daily newspaper. An article about the story will be run in that paper’s Thursday, February 28th edition.

It is likely that with the significance of this story it may be picked up by other media outlets in large metropolitan areas by the end of this week and possibly may be picked by national news media outlets as well.

NADL’s Position:

NADL has worked with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to promote patient safety and ensure laboratories have a voice in any regulation of the industry. NADL is on record supporting regulations that assure patients their restorations are safe for use, regardless of where they are manufactured. NADL’s position has been presented consistently to the American Dental Association since 2003.

The National Association of Dental Laboratories believes that every dental patient has a reasonable expectation that the dental restoration placed in his or her mouth is safe, regardless of where it is manufactured. Therefore, in an attempt to provide the necessary documentation for disclosure as well as to document competency, the NADL strongly supports the following:

The necessity of at least one Certified Dental Technician (CDT) in each dental laboratory.
The necessity that all dental laboratories register with either the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or an appropriate state governmental agency.
The written documentation of all materials included in a final restoration and the point of origin (country and laboratory) where the restoration was manufactured.
The necessity that each of these items be documented in the patient’s record.

Additional Information:

NADL informed the American Dental Association’s executive leadership so they could tell their members about this pending story and possible outcomes including the public’s response.  

The ADA will be sending out an alert to its members this week sharing guidance about what questions to ask dental laboratories relative to outsourcing activity and statements of assurance on material content of dental restorations. NADL member’s laboratories should be prepared for such requests.

Additionally, it is expected that state dental societies will be discussing possible regulatory options to address this issue at the state level in state dental practice acts. State dental societies may be contacting your state’s dental laboratory association about possible collaborative efforts or to seek additional information. NADL members are encouraged to share NADL’s model bill for state regulation with state dental societies or inquiring dental clients that may request a template for state regulation. Members of the laboratory industry may download this document from NADL’s Web page at www.nadl.org.

Dental laboratories should be prepared for increased calls from your dental clients and possibly local media outlets during the next few weeks as this news story circulates the country. NADL will be providing up-to-date guidance documents to our members on the member section of our Web site www.nadl.org to assist you when answering questions. We are committed to keeping our members well informed and prepared.

위의 내용은 NADL 이라는 한국으로 말하면 기공협회에서 나온 기사입니다 내용의 요지는 한 노인 여자 환자가 중국산 포세린브릳지를 심었는데 상태가 않좋아서 뽑아 성분분석을 의뢰 하고. 방송국에서 이 문제를 계기로 다른 몇군데의 외국 랩으로 부터 크라운을  오더해 조사 해보니 과도하게 납이 많이 검출 되었다고 합니다 (210PPM...중국산 장난감 리콜을 계기로 수입되는 제품은 90PPM이하로 규제하고 있음) 그래서 지방 방송에서 이 문제를 방송할 예정이라 합니다. NADL에서는 예전 부터 외국산 기공물에 대해서 규제를 하기위해 힘쓰고 있는듯 합니다. 요즘 중국산 제품에 문제가 많이 일어나고 있는데 이런 시점에 물타기(?)로 기공물에 대한 문제 제기를 해봄은 어떤가 생각해 봅니다 한국 기공협회에도 협회차원에서 대응하고 있으리라 생각됩니다만...

  • ?
    예치과 2008.02.28 10:36
    would you please ~00줄래?
  • ?
    김성훈 2008.02.28 11:47
    깜딱 놀랐습니다... 영어가 줄줄줄... 나중에 설명해주셨네요.. ㅋㅋ
  • ?
    스마일맨 2008.02.28 17:44
    왜이리 속이 울렁거릴까요???
  • ?
    스마일맨 2008.02.28 17:52
    그리고 동감합니다... 중국산 기공물에 대한 현황파악이라도 되었으면 합니다...
  • ?
    방승환 2008.02.28 18:36
    한 참 후 에 야 무슨말인지 알았읍니다.. ㅋㅋㅋ
  • profile
    임불란 2008.02.28 18:54
    한글만 읽게 되었다는......
  • ?
    사람사랑 2008.02.28 19:06
    저도 영어가 막 나와서..
    바이러스 걸린줄 알았어요..
  • ?
    이왕수 2008.02.28 19:15
    한글만 읽게 되었다는...
  • profile
    천하태평 2008.02.28 20:50
    저가의 기공료 때문에 미국등지에서 중국으로 그공물의뢰가
    많읍니다. 중국에서는 포세린기공료가 한화로 8000원 정도하는데도있읍니다.
    미국쪽기공료는 18000~25000원정도 받고있는걸로 압니다.
  • ?
    국가대표미남 2008.02.28 22:10
    그런데요...포셀린에 납성분??? 이해가 잘...안가는데요...제작할때 에러는 없을까요?? 납성분이 많다고 그러면...
  • ?
    데이빋 2008.02.28 23:47
    http://www.10tv.com/?sec=&story=sites/10tv/content/pool/200802/1544047925.html 이 곳에 기사가 나왔는데 그여자 환자의 크라운에서는
    160ppm의 납이 검출되었고 어찌되었건 수술을 두번을 하고 의사를 고소 했다고 합니다. 현재 까지는 기공물에 포함된 납에 관련한 데이타가 없기때문에 이전 문제과 되었던 장남감의 기준과 단순 비교를 할 수 밖에 없다고 합니다...어찌되었건 납이 인체에 들어가면 아주 다양한 증상이 나타난다고 하네요. 방금 불안해서 내가 쓰고 있는 메탈의 성분을 전부 검사해보았는데 납은 없는데 어찌 납성분이 들어갔는지 이해가 않가네요.. 중국 무서운 나라네요...
  • ?
    혁스 2008.02.28 23:58
    한국 기공협회에도 협회차원에서 대응하고 있으리라 생각됩니다만...

  • ?
    모리슨 2008.02.29 01:32
    포세라인에 납이 왜 들어가지요...조기도 아닌데.....
  • profile
    H2 2008.02.29 04:03
    중국은 기공료도 무게로 달아서 책정하는가요????
    요샌 중국하면 안좋은 이미지만 떠올라요...
  • ?
    스마일맨 2008.02.29 09:41
    H2님... 설마요.... 하지만 중국 무섭게 발전하고 있습니다.... (제가 느끼기에는요....)
  • ?
    강철의연금술사 2008.03.02 22:12
    납의 비중이 골드 비중보다 낮은걸로 아는데 중량늘리기위해 넣는것은 아닐거 같네요 더군다나 융점도 낮은데...자세히는 모르지만 착색..색을 내기 위해 납을 쓰는게 아닐런지..중국산 장난감에 쓰이는 페인트 성분에 납이 들어가듯이. 아니면 제조과정상..불량환경으로 인해..납이 섞여 들어 가는거일수도 ..그런데..아말감은......
  • ?
    시짱 2008.03.10 04:58
    기공계에도 이런일이 있군요 ....

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