

by 이정호 posted Sep 25, 2008


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
요즘 치과 에 가면 물방울 레이저 이런것들 인한 광고가 많은데요 홈피 가보니 임상 뭐라 하면서 저란 단어 들이 나오는데 무슨 말인지 궁금하네요 .

부탁좀 드릴께요..
Incision, excision, vaporization, ablation and coagulation of oral soft tissues
Excisional and incisional biopsies
Exposure of unerupted teeth
Fibroma removal
Flap preparation - incision of soft tissue to prepare a fl ap and expose the bone
Frenectomy and frenotomy
Gingival troughing for crown impressions
Implant recovery
Incision and drainage of abscesses
Pulp extirpation
Pulpotomy as an adjunct to root canal therapy
Root canal debridement and cleaning
Removal of pathological tissues from around the apex
Soft tissue crown lengthening
Sulcular debridement
Treatment of canker sores, herpetic and aphthous ulcers of the oral mucosa
Flap preparation -- incision of soft tissue to prepare a fl ap and expose unerupted teeth
(hard and soft tissue impactions)
Removal of granulation tissue from bony defects
Laser soft tissue curettage

Class I, II, III, IV, and V cavity preparation
Caries removal
Hard tissue surface roughening or etching
Enameloplasty, excavation of pits and fi ssures for placement of sealants
Osseous crown lengthening
Cutting, shaving, contouring and resection of oral osseous tissues (bone)
Osteoplasty and osseous recontouring (removal of bone to correct osseous defects and create physiologic
osseous contours)
Ostectomy (resection of bone to restore bony architecture, resection of bone for grafting, etc)
Cutting bone to prepare a window access to the apex (apices) of the root(s)
Apicoectomy - amputation of the root end
Root end preparation for retrofill amalgam or composite
Tooth preparation to obtain access to root canal
Root canal preparation including enlargement
Root canal debridement and cleaning

dydghrh@hanmail.net 이메일 주시면 감사 합니다.


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