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2011.08.25 20:21

미국에서의 Denture 환자 불만..

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처음에 퍼온 곳에서 붙여넣기 하는도중 해석에 오류가 있었네요 ^______^

기본적인 수가가 존재하긴하는건지 모르겠네요. 눈 앞에 보이는 숫자들을 보아하니 기공료도 비싸겠네요 ^ ^ 인건비가 워낙 비싼 나라인 만큼 저렇게 받는가 봅니다. 구치부 리페어에250불이라니~~~

denture를 치과에서 하고 난 후 환자들의 코멘트를 달아 놓은 곳이네요…..총비용이 어쩌고 내가 틀니를 떨어뜨렸는데 그래서 어쩌고…….ㅋㅋ 라디오에 소개된 닥터를 만났는데 정말 잘 하더라 등등…..

잘하는곳도 있고….. 못하는 곳도 있고…..보험에 관한 저질에 싸구려 틀니를 말하는 사람도 있고(한번은 무료라고 써있군요)

여전히 불평 불만이 많습니다.

그냥 재미로 보세요

우리나라도 네이버등에서 치과의원이나 닥터 실명을 거론하며 토론하고 자신에 치료 에피소드를 말할 날이 머지 않았네요……..

준비를 많이 해야 겠어요~~~~~

Amount: $10,000.00 total
Posted by: Stressed out in Deptford, NJ.        Posted: August 19th, 2009 09:08AM
Dentist:        Type: Partial Dentures
I'm 27 years old now and had this work done about 5 years ago. I had about 9 teeth pulled, which I know I can't blame any dentist for. It's pretty genetic-my Mom had the same problem at a young age. However, he also recommended pulling a tooth that had NO infection or need to be pulled except where it was placed. But braces could have fixed this problem...but no now I have an upper partial that I absolutely hate more then anything...I'm so afraid of it falling out-I can barely eat normally. I cut everything up just so I don't have to bite into it. Now I have NO dental insurance and can't afford to just throw thousands of dollars into my mouth.I never got a lower partial which is causing my teeth to gap. It's terrible to even admit, but I've never felt so ugly before in my life. I certainly don't want point fingers or blame anyone. I just wish there was something that could be done that would make me feel better about myself and take away the headaches that this partial causes. I've pushed back my wedding numerous times b/c I don't want to ruin pictures and I just feel very uncomfortable. I often find myself feeling really upset about how I look and feel. Sometimes I try to tell myself to suck it up and that it could be worse. But unfortunatly, it doesn't work. Some may think I'm being vain...but I honestly can't help the way I feel. I lose sleep over it too...I'm constantly worrying that the partial will break/fall out. It's almost ruining my life.
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Denture relign
Amount: $0.00 total
Posted by: Diane Orth in roseburg, OR.        Posted: October 19th, 2009 09:10AM
Dentist: Lawson        Type: upper plate
My denture was made in 2003, the upper left side hurt, and they were somewhat loose, but looked great, better than my original!, they look horrible now, crooked, all gum showing, fit terrible, they are awful, everyone agrees with me. I had to try them on in the restroom with no mirror, they told me to view them in the waiting room, with patients looking on.
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Nobody Cares at ALLCARE

Amount: $1,400.00 total
Posted by: Philip Hammond in Knoxville, TN.        Posted: October 31st, 2009 12:10PM
Dentist:        Type: upper dentures
I had a toothache and went to allcare to extract it and replace it. They did not care about my pain. All they care about is how much money can they get from me. They have alveo on the extracted tooth for $109 even though the whole jar is $45. ALLCARE is a ripoff. They don't deserve to be called dentists. They are businees scam.
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Just go and get it done

Amount: $35,000.00 total
Posted by: Bucky in Bloomington, MN.        Posted: December 2nd, 2009 05:12PM
Dentist: Dr Clay        Type: upper lower
Was referred by dentist at age 45. Teeth were falling out of course 1 by 1. When the first front tooth was loose I decided for full dentures. First set cost me an arm and a leg, charged everything, $18,000, at 45 I wanted a smile. Had pay for pulling of the teeth, shaving the jaw bone for smoothness, and of course the dentures itselve, $12,500. But within a month I was getting use to them and with some pepisdent they were hardly ever loose. But jaw changes during the first year and had to have new dentures again costing me $16,500. Again the dentures fit real good. I'm managing the bills for now but my son starts college and at 53 I need new dentures again and will have to find a cheaper denture. But you know I would make that same decision again about having dentures. Get it done don't let your teeth fall out one a time.
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this podunk town w/ podunk Medicaid

Amount: $10,000.00 total
Posted by: he nearly tore my face off! in Humble,, TX.        Posted: January 4th, 2010 11:01AM
Dentist: Dr. Better Be Glad I Forgot Your Name!        Type: 4 root canals
Ok i'm a 20 year old woman, but i'm still young.. i come from a family that have nice-LOOKING teeth, but the x rays are REPULSING! well i had a cavity that built itself up from the inside out in my jaw teeth. i didn't understand it at first, because i didn't feel it. but sooner if not later, i noticed my breath would NOT stay fresh for ANYTHING! i mean, it got so bad, that it started interfering with my life... my friends would turn away as i said "hi" but try their hardest to hide the disgust at the smell, bless them. my BOYFRIEND wouldn't kiss me because it was so bad, i'm surprised he hugged me... whereas family, they hugged me till they started saying "i'll pass on hugs this time". i got 4 ROOT CANALS! this dentist manhandled my face! he put bruises n my cheeks, and i never got any sleep because i was up all night crying and taking pain medicantions for splitting migranes from sore exposed nerves from crowns that fell out right as i walked out the door. Castle Dental is a joke! Sadist doctors!
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Love the Look of My Dentures

Amount: $12,000.00 total
Posted by: Elizabeth Browning in Camarillo, CA.        Posted: February 20th, 2010 09:02PM
Dentist: Leopold Weinstein,DDS        Type: Dentures
I had dentures for twenty years and the fit poorly and were loose. Plus they looked like shit! I wanted something better. I heard Dr. Leo on the radio and made a consultation appointment. He examined me and we talked. He said I had very little bone to hold the dentures and recommended implants to hold the dentures in. But I have this thing about implants and said I just wanted the dentures. He told me he would do his best but could not guarantee that they would fit any better than my last set. What he did say was he could make them look great. In fact we had a chuckle about this as he showed me pictures of other dentures he had made. Well, long story made short, I had them made. It took quite some time as he is meticulous. When I got to take them home they were great. Not only did my teeth look stunning but, they actually fit better. While they were being made my family and friends thought I'd lost my mind spending 12K for dentures but it was well worth it. I can finally be out in social circles without being self-aware, worrying how my smile looks or if my upper was going to slip out.
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Amount: $4,000.00 total
Posted by: BRENDA SMILE in GREENSBURG, IN.        Posted: March 16th, 2010 10:03AM
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dentists in general

Amount: $0.00 total
Posted by: Bob Tooth in vienna, VA.        Posted: September 7th, 2010 02:09PM
Dentist: general dentists        Type: all
Teeth should be included in health insurance. The ADA has some big lobbying to keep it from becoming so. Since when are your teeth, jawbone, etc. not part of your body? They can also lead to other physical/psycological issues. If they were not a part of your overall physical self, why are you born with them. Total scam on the Amerikan public!
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upper denture

Amount: $1,100.00 total
Posted by: a user in modesto, CA.        Posted: September 11th, 2010 08:09AM
Dentist: Dr Wynn        Type: upper denture
needed an upper denture had 5 teeth pulled i have no root so my teeth came out easy didn't need a surgeon to pull them.i selected a child impression have a small mouth and small teeth and made them as white as they had they are beautiful but i have a gag reflex they are going to trim the upper part and make it shorter hope it works because i hate gaging on them other than that they are fine.I wish they could made a pair that just fit around the gum area and can be held by paste then i could wear the full denture when i eat and switch it out
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Amount: $40,000.00 total
Posted by: S. McGinnis in Atlanta, GA.        Posted: October 7th, 2010 05:10PM
Dentist: Fryer & Lowden        Type: Surgeon & Prosthodontist
The entire ORDEAL took 16 months from total mouth extractions via 8 implants to hold dentures in place at total cost of $40,000.. I would NEVER do it again. The pain & suffering was unbelievable. (I am a 67 year old diabetic.) God help anyone who has to go through it!
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Molar repair
Amount: $240.00 total
Posted by: D.N.Sanders in Tarpon Springs, FL.        Posted: March 11th, 2011 04:03PM
Dentist: Dr. Hayden Allen        Type: DDS
I, went to Coast dental in St Petersburg, Fl to get My bottom rear molar filled. The Dr. there told me I would need to have a root canal and bone repair done at apprx. 1700.00 plus.Being poor I,sought another opinion,going to Dr. Allen,of Tarpon Springs,Fl.He filled My tooth for 240.00,three surfaces and I have had no problems since 2003.Be careful about Dentist as they are similar to used car salesmen.
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Seriously people pay like $40,000?

Amount: $0.00 total
Posted by: Henry Dunnigan in Manford, CT.        Posted: March 12th, 2011 10:03PM
That is crazy, I'm only 20, but messed up my top teeth and my bottom ones are rediculously crooked. I've been thinking about getting dentures for a while, and know a few people that have gotten them. With insurance they all payed less than $10,000 for their dentures, one was free, but cheaper quality. You people paying like $40,000 are getting robbed, either you have no insurance, which is INSANE considering you could get insurance and just pay a monthly fee to save thousands. OR your dentist are literally robbing you, and someone stealing $40,000 from someone who is most likely elderly deserves a lot more than just going to jail, shame on you... if someone I knew got robbed like that, especially my grandparents, I don't know what I'd do. IF YOUR DENTIST SAYS IT'S SOMETHING RIDICULOUS LIKE THAT, CALL AROUND AND SEE ABOUT OTHERS, USE COMMON SENSE PEOPLE. MY LAST DENTIST CHARGED NEARLY FOUR TIMES MORE TO JUST CLEAN MY TEETH THAN THE LAST, THAT'S WHY I CHANGED!!
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Upper dentures
Amount: $3,600.00 total
Posted by: Deborah Clark in Mishawaka, IN.        Posted: June 17th, 2011 02:06PM
Dentist: ALLCARE        Type: Upper denture
This co. was new in our area and because of my diabetes my upper teeth had become rapidly infected and I was told I'd have to get them all extracted, and get temporary dentures till swelling went down so I could have the final set; everything looked good, but in reality, I sat in their office 3 and sometimes 4 hrs. Waiting for whatever with only 1 dentist between 4 patients, and I must have had 3-4 different dentists while I was there cause it appeared there was a big turn around in the entire office over and over, so I couldn't get to know anybody; for the final set, the last dentist I saw quickly started shaving away at the acrylic rapidly without being aware that she was not making them to fit for me at all because she had wiggled them down far too much, so they always get stuff down inside wherever she shaved it too low, it makes it so uncomfortable; not only that this dentist kept on manhandling my mouth and ripping the delicate tissue that bled. I never returned, they closed.
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Full Set of Dentures
Amount: $10,000.00 total
Posted by: HappyGirl in Cedar Hill, TX.        Posted: July 8th, 2011 06:07PM
Dentist: Monarch Dental        Type: Dentures
I just got a set of dentures upper and bottom 2 weeks ago from Monarch dental. So, far everything is going fine just can't wait until I'm completely healed. But, I received temporary dentures and in 6 months I will receive my permanent dentures. I had a choice of what type of teeth and color, and my goodness they look GOOD! nobody can tell they are dentures. Yes, I would have rather got implants but couldn't afford them...but so far I have no problems and love my new look!

  • ?
    HoYa 2011.08.25 20:49
    ................................................?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 눈에 보이는건 숫자뿐......ㅜㅜ ㅎ
  • ?
    스마일맨 2011.08.25 21:10
    아시는 분은 아시다시피 우리나라에서도 2012년 7월부터 75세이상인 노인들에 건보적용이 된다합니다. 원가분석은 끝난 상태라고 하고 시행만 남은 상태라하는데, 업계에 어떤식이던 영향을 주리라 생각합니다.
    작금의 상황을 반면교사하시어 좋은 결과 이루시길 바랍니다.
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    전정호 2011.08.25 21:11
    저렇게 환자들이 불평불만을 하는 사이트도 생길꺼에요…아마도 치과 이름과 닥터이름들도 공개되고 자기에 총 진료 비용까지 공개하는 사람들……
  • ?
    삑쌀치기 2011.08.25 22:08
    꼭 불평불만만 있는건 아닌거같네요
    마지막 글쓴이는 임플란트 할사정은 안되고 상,하악풀 덴쳐하신거같은데
    나름 만족하고계신듯 ㅎㅎ
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    전정호 2011.08.25 22:14
    네~~~ ^ ^ 저나라가 뭐 좀 잘한다 하면 우르르 못한다하면 소송에 엄청 시끄러워지는 나라잖아요~~ 재밌는거 같아서 퍼왔습니다....
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    전정호 2011.08.25 22:16
    의치용 접착제 사용에 관한 피해 사례를 접수하며(아연중독) 소송해주는 전문 법률사무소 싸이트도 있어요. 무서운 세상~~~~~
  • ?
    백조짠순 2011.08.25 23:11
    세상이 변하는 모습을 보는것 같군요....잘보았읍니다
  • ?
    미도리 2011.08.25 23:29
    아.. 나만 당황스러운건 아닐것이다...
  • ?
    모네 2011.08.26 08:57
    그냥 재미로 보라면서요???ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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